Asemic handwriting on lined paper

The benefits of handwriting

In today’s digital age, where keyboards and touchscreens dominate, the simple act of handwriting often takes a backseat. However, there are undeniable benefits of handwriting. In this blog post, I will explore the positive aspects of handwriting and shed light on why it’s worth preserving in our increasingly digital world.

3 Reasons to stay writing by hand:

1. Cognitive Benefits: Research suggests that handwriting engages multiple areas of the brain, including motor skills, memory, and cognition. The physical act of writing stimulates neural pathways, enhancing learning and information retention.

2. Personal Connection: Handwritten notes possess a unique personal touch. They convey emotion, individuality, and a sense of authenticity that cannot be replicated by typing. Whether it’s a heartfelt letter or a quick scribble in a journal, handwriting adds a personal and meaningful touch to our communication.

3. Mindfulness and Focus: Unlike typing on a keyboard, handwriting requires a deliberate and focused approach. The rhythmic motion of the pen or pencil on paper fosters a sense of mindfulness, allowing us to be present in the moment and fully engage with our thoughts and ideas.

Hands writing asemic text

Hands writing an asemic text with a pen. Made with acrylic markers and Photoshop.

The Impact of Handwriting on Thinking.

Beyond the physical act of writing, handwriting has a profound impact on our thinking processes. The deliberate nature of forming letters and words by hand encourages slower, more intentional thinking. This allows for deeper processing of information and the opportunity to reflect on ideas as they take shape on paper.

Additionally, studies have shown that students who take handwritten notes during lectures tend to retain information better than those who rely solely on typing. The process of summarizing and paraphrasing content in real-time enhances comprehension and helps to solidify concepts in our memory.

Furthermore, handwriting activates areas of the brain associated with creativity and problem-solving. The tactile experience of shaping letters and words stimulates neural connections that can lead to enhanced cognitive flexibility and innovative thinking.

The Impact of Handwriting on Creativity.

Handwriting can be a powerful tool for unlocking creativity. The physical act of putting pen to paper frees us from the constraints of digital interfaces and encourages a more organic flow of ideas. The ability to sketch, doodle, and annotate in the margins provides a visual and tactile dimension to our creative process.

Moreover, the slower pace of handwriting allows for deeper introspection and exploration of thoughts. The blank page becomes a canvas for brainstorming, mind mapping, and sketching out connections between ideas. This process of visually mapping thoughts often leads to unexpected connections and breakthroughs, fueling our creative thinking.

Handwriting also fosters a sense of ownership over our ideas. The intimate connection between our thoughts and the marks we make on paper cultivates a personal and emotional investment in our creative work. This sense of embodiment and connection can instill confidence, boost self-expression, and amplify the impact of our creative endeavors.

Final Thoughts.

While digital tools offer convenience and speed, the positive aspects of handwriting should not be overlooked. From cognitive benefits to enhanced thinking and creativity, handwriting has a unique ability to engage our minds and ignite our imagination. Let’s not forget the joy and power of the handwritten word amidst our tech-driven world.



Being a beginner, again.


When I start I know I am not going to be able to finish it. That really worries me and therefor I question myself a lot before I even start. Which of course I won’t be able to answer because I already thought of something else that I need to question first. This is the never ending circle and leads to the same point every time. It discourages me and forces me to end dreams. They better be in a thrash can than in my head.
Yet here I am, it’s 2022 and this is the 100th blog I am trying to write and post. The latter is important as I don’t arrive at the part of posting my writing. When I dissect my thoughts and the process that follows I see a bright and clear reason. Fear.

Being a beginner at anything can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s starting a new job, learning a new skill, or picking up a new hobby, the feeling of being inexperienced and unsure of oneself can be daunting. However, it’s important to remember that being a beginner is a natural and necessary part of the learning process. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it’s through making mistakes and learning from them that we grow and improve.

One of the biggest challenges of being a beginner is the fear of failure. It’s natural to want to excel at something right away, but it’s important to recognize that failure is a necessary part of the learning process. Making mistakes allows us to identify areas where we need to improve and learn from them so that we can do better next time. As the saying goes, “failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

Another challenge of being a beginner is feeling like you don’t belong or aren’t good enough. It’s common to compare ourselves to others who are more experienced and feel like we don’t measure up. However, it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere and that everyone has their own journey. It’s also important to remember that we are often our own harshest critic, and that others are often more supportive and encouraging than we give them credit for.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a beginner is the sense of progress and accomplishment that comes with learning something new. As we gain experience and improve, we begin to feel more confident and capable in our abilities. Celebrating small wins and milestones along the way can help to build momentum and motivation, and can make the learning process more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Overall, being a beginner can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It’s important to embrace the learning process, be patient with ourselves, and celebrate our progress along the way. With time and practice, we can become experts in whatever we set our minds to.

The meaning of Being Anything - Begin

Without meaning

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The meaning of Being Anything - What

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